
If You’re Looking For A New Job During The Holiday Season, Here’s What To Do Now

During the holiday season and the start of the New Year, workers often find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating a job change or career pivot. This period of reflection and renewal often sparks the desire for professional growth, but making such a significant shift requires thoughtful consideration and strategic planning to ensure a successful transition.

Before taking the leap, it’s necessary to engage in honest self-reflection to understand the underlying motivations driving this desire for change. Are you feeling unfulfilled in your current role, seeking new challenges or simply curious about unexplored career paths?

Identifying the root cause of your career restlessness is the first step in setting meaningful objectives for your next professional move. This self-awareness not only helps in defining clear goals for a new position or career, but also ensures that any change aligns with your long-term aspirations and values.

Additionally, it’s critical to assess one’s skills, experiences and interests against the requirements and scopes of potential new roles or industries. This might involve acquiring new skills or certifications, which could extend your timeline but also make you a more attractive job candidate.

It’s essential to manage your expectations. The process of switching jobs or pivoting can vary in duration, especially when you start during the holiday season. If you’re moving within the same industry, with similar job responsibilities, it could take a few weeks to several months. However, pivoting to a new field could take significantly longer. Therefore, it’s critical that you have a financial cushion to support any period of unemployment or the cost of retraining.

Bridge jobs can help you maintain your skills, expand your professional network, gain relevant experience and prevent employment gaps that might otherwise appear problematic on your résumé to a hiring manager.

Moreover, they can serve as valuable learning experiences, allowing you to explore different work environments, test potential career paths and build transferable skills that could ultimately enhance your marketability for permanent roles.

Prepare to explain your career pivot convincingly to new employers, focusing on these transferable skills and your enthusiasm for the new path.

Patience and perseverance are key during this process, as the job market can be volatile. It’s important to recognize that making a career change involves more than simply securing a new position; it’s about discovering the intersection where your personal and professional goals converge. This journey may take time and effort, but it can ultimately result in lasting fulfillment and success in your career.

Your Action Plan

The secret to transforming your career lies in taking proactive steps rather than waiting for ideal circumstances. Instead of lamenting your current situation, seize the opportunity to initiate your job search today. Remember, the perfect moment rarely arrives on its own; it’s created through decisive action and determination.

Draft a daily action plan that includes updating your résumé, enhancing your LinkedIn profile, networking and applying for jobs.

Remove yourself from negative influences and engage with driven professionals who align with your aspirations. Networking should be viewed as essential. Building connections can significantly speed up your search by uncovering potential job prospects that may not be posted online and available to the public, or by getting referrals.

To effectively manage job-hunt stress, it is critical that you do not let your mental, emotional and physical health fall to the wayside during this process. To help reframe your mindset, try replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations, remind yourself of your past successes and visualize yourself in a new role. Also, recognize areas where you may need assistance and seek guidance from mentors or coaches. Find recruiters in your industry and arrange in-person meetings.

Break down the job search into smaller, achievable tasks and remember to acknowledge your minor successes throughout the process. Link your actions to a bigger purpose or objective, as this can help sustain your motivation during challenging moments.

Keep a record of your applications, follow-ups and networking efforts, as this will help you stay organized and motivated.

Allocate time for skill development or industry research to stay competitive in your field, as well as setting aside time to develop and practice your elevator pitch and other interview preparation.

This is not just a plan, but a daily commitment to action. Stick to your game plan consistently, adjusting as needed and remain focused on your goal of landing a new job.
